Performance Coaching
Theater students hard at work!
Beautiful Show!
We work with you and your show!
Hire us to direct, choreograph, or coach your actors within your show. We’ll get them to the next level. That way you’ll have more time to focus on opening night!
Schedule us to teach you, your church community, or your friends and family how to perform! Host a class or a workshop!
Hire us to get you ready for that audition? We are your coach!
Click here to browse our appointment calendar, then send us an email with your questions.
We specialize in real world competition!
Concerts, auditions, pageants that take place in schools as well as the professional world? HPAC STUDIO will coach you to be the best performer and competitor you can be.
Call, Text, Email - 757-593-4054, or
Macey Cleary - Miss Williamsburg!
Music for the brain!
Our Voice and Instrument Coaching cannot be beat!
from 5 to 95, it’s never too late to put your voice out there or master your instrument. And not just piano. We can be your coach!
Text Director, Cathrine Hogan directly: 757-593-4054